Oscar Pistorius: Life After Prison

A case study

Oscar Pistorius has recently re-entered into society after spending nine years in prison for murder. It hasn't been smooth sailing for him. Everyone has seemingly forgotten who he was at one point prior to the crime. Their view on him has become more dim due to his actions. All signs point to him not going back to his former glory days.

It has all started with potential employment opportunities that he has had at his diposal. These opportunities are non-existent. According to a report, he's struggling to find a job and members of his church have described him as a "shadow" of his former self. It's also stated that he's being ostricised by the community.

He has attempted to get employment through the International Paralympic committee. He spoke to two members and talked about working together in some capacity. However, he had the door slammed shut in his face (figuratively speaking). A member said to the New York Post, "He's too toxic to work with now." "There's nothing for him here."

He now finds himself volunteering his time in church. He's volunteering to being a handyman and a janitor. A member of his church said to the Post that he is cold, unfriendly and keeps to himself. They said, "I don't know if I've even seen him crack a smile." "He's just a shadow of what he once was." Another member, Aida Govender, said, "I almost didn’t recognize him." His hair is longer and he’s got a beard. He’s also not as lean as I expected. You would never know he was an athlete; he’s just not the same."

Although he's out of prison, he's still not completely free. He will be regularly checked on until 2029 - when his sentence has reached its course. He's not required to wear an electronic monitor. He is required to attend anger management training. Additionally, a parole officer will be visiting him. These checks can take place at any given hour of the day. This is in accordance to the Department of Corrections. He will also be subject to alcohol and drug testing.

Predictably, he is forbidden from contacting the Steenkamp family. He's also prohibited from posting on social media and can't write a memoir of his experiences. He's not allowed to invite any interviews to be conducted.

Things could potentially become deadly for him. Upon his release, police alerted to Pistorius that he could be a target of an assassination. This would happen in retaliation for the murder he committed. He is staying in a cottage within a three storey mansion owned by his uncle in Pretoria. The compound is said to have armed gaurds; electronic fences and several 'attack dogs.'

Well, after surveying the evidence, it's quite clear to me that there's no such thing as forgiveness when it comes to the public. The lack of forgiveness from the victim's family is totally understandable. Yes, there are those who think that Pistorius has served his punishment and should transition into reality without any issues. However, the majority have other ideas. As for me, I would be with the majority. Just because you were a star doesn't mean you can continue to be treated as such after doing a horrific act.

A stern lesson must be taught to athletes and sports personalities who perform despicable acts that they are not immune to punishment. Everyone is treated equally, irrespective of the star power they possess. When you perform such acts, your fame and achievements go out the window; never to be heard or talked about ever again.

"Has Oscar served enough time? There can never be justice if your loved one is never coming back, and no amount of time served will bring Reeva back."

- June Steenkamp


Source Material

Ruiz, M. 2024. Olympic 'Blade Runner' Oscar Pistorius who shot girlfriend struggles to find job after prison time: report. Fox News.

Salt, O. 2024. Oscar Pistorius is 'too toxic' to get a job three months after release from jail for the murder of Reeva Steenkamp... with disheveled ex-Olympian sweeping church floors and living in his uncle's mansion. Mail Online.

Tilsley, P. 2024. Oscar 'Bladerunner' Pistorius warned he could become assassination target from country's underworld. Fox News.