Love & Marriage In Sport: A Fickle Matter

It's not meant to be...

Let's face it, marriages aren't meant to last in this industry. Things may seem rosy to the public but no one really knows what happens behind closed doors. Everyone believes that every sportsmen/women has the perfect family life. In most cases, this is in deed the case. It is not done in a showboating manner but most tend to show off their happy family.

There are those, however, who refuse to do so. The most logical reasoning behind this is that they like their privacy. It is also possible that they might be hiding something. There are athletes who tend to lie and create a false image of their current situation. Like the old saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words."

There is no telling what goes on behind closed doors with these type of people. They could do anything they want without any concern of being caught. Which is often the case, they are caught partying before a big match/event. These ones are reserved for the young. The older ones are mostly doing a disgusting thing - committing adultery. Unfortunately, this tends to happens more often than it is reported.

When these stories come out, a massive media storm and the scandal will never escape the respective sportman/woman. It will hang around with them like a dark cloud forever. It's hard to tell just how long these stories will remain in the public domain. One thing is for sure: the responsible person will deny the claim until the cows come home. They may even pay the acuser "hush" money to make sure that the matter is kept quiet. Unfortunately, this "hush" money can't last forever. When this occurs, chaos will then soon follow suit.

To date, there are three prime examples: Tiger Woods; Joost van der Westhuizen and quite recently Kyle Walker. These stories are unique in their own way. Tiger Woods was unfaithful on several occassions and had affairs. There was a sex tape that involved van der Westhuizen with a former athlete. Kyle Walker recently came out stating that he had fathered two kids outside his marriage.

Although they all eventually owned up to it, it is still not good enough for me. They should experience what they want at an early age. If they find themselves in a situation where they can't ever be in a relationship or married, they should avoid it to escape future scandals especially if they become stars and world renowned.