Cards on the table, I'm not quite sure on how to approach this. I'm not the biggest Formula1 (F1) fan. Nonetheless, much like everyone else, I was shocked to see this happen. There is one question that needs to be answered: Is Hamilton a "Benedict Arnold" (a traitor) or simply chasing a dream.
I have read a few reports regarding this matter and it doesn't really answer the question. They merely state facts. Some of them include him winning 7 world championships, being the most successful F1 driver in history with 103 wins and 104 pole postions and not having won a race since 2021 (as per Nigel Chiu and Craig Slater).
Other reports state the worrying downward spiral of a relationship between him and Mercedes. There are claims that their engine is far inferior to the Red Bull team. From the beginning, he was under the impression that Mercedes had the right staff, resources and development to become the king of F1. However, this has not occured. It has taken it's toll on the relationship. It has been slowly diminishing (as per Lawrence Barretto).
When circumstances like these arrive, it is always best to hear straight from the horse's mouth. Hamilton stated, when asked about a future move to Ferrari back in 2019, "When you are part of Mercedes, you are part of a family for a lifetime - provided that you stay with them obviously." He also stated that loyalty is important to him. Fast forward to today and he has stated that it's time for a fresh challenge.
Having read all these reports, I'm under the belief that he's being a "Benedict Arnold." This is because he has been known as a serial winner. When he loses, he gets upset. A popular example is the loss of the 2021 World Championship title. He claimed the result was manipulated. At the same time, he said that his inaugural title win (2008) was not manipulated. This sounds to me as an act of being a sore loser and being a bad winner.
When this type of individual comes calling, it is always best to keep your distance away from them. To me, these type of people are impossible to please. They can't ever be satisfied. They simply demand more and more. When they don't win, they will throw their toys out of the cot and make excuses for why they didn't win. If possible, they will find a way out of their current situation and into a winning one.
In my view, Lewis Hamilton should stick it out for the two years that he's under contract at Mercedes and then sign for Ferrari. He's been at Mercedes for 11 years. Ditching your, "family" after this time period through a clause is ridiculous. He needs reminding that despite the recent struggles, they did help him win multiple titles. Every team in existence has their up and downs and hit bumps in the road. Any player who tries to find the exit door in any manner can't handle the bumps. They expect a smooth sailing experience. With this, the player/s expects their respective team to win every time.
Everyone needs to understand that team sports requires everyone to play their part in their possible success. It is not a one man wrecking crew. As such, there is no room for loafers. in addition, there is no room for quitters. If team sports were to be full of quitters, then these sports would be D.O.A. and will cease to exist.