Sandro Tanoli has once again made the headlines. However, it's once again for something bad. He has been caught betting again. He is still serving his ten months for his previous infrigement of betting while playing for AC Milan. Unfortunately, betting and gambling is a constant issue in sports. It's either to gain some extra bucks or doing it just for the competition.
Tanoli has been charged with betting between August 12, 2023 and October 12, 2023. It's believed by his club, Newcastle United, that additional charges won't be added to the initial ban. Hence, they believe that it won't hinder his chances of returning to playing in August or training. The manager, Eddie Howe, isn't surprised by these charges. He has stated that Tanoli recognises his problem and is soughting help. Howe has urged the FA - the English governing board - to not add additional punishments. He, instead, believes that rehab and protection is needed.
I'm not surprised by all this. Various types of addicts are unable to quit their habit. They may be seeking help in some form but sooner or later they will relapse and continue to do what they did. The reaction of Eddie Howe doesn't surprise me either. Managers and teammates of various addicts will always back their them. They will plead and beg for no punishments to be handed out.
It's a sad state that betting can have a negative influence for players. It can lead to match fixing and corruption. A potential of manipulating the outcome, compromising the integrity and fairness of the game is at risk. It also has off the field issues. This includes tarnishing the image and reputation of the leagues and organisations involved. There are also ethical issues. This includes the well-beings of those involved. It can also have a negative impact on a person's physical and mental health (Algamus, 2023).
According to a study, there is a strong socialisation between athletes and competition. This can be transfered from the playing field to private lives. Like all addicts, athletes can find a tolerance and an adrenaline rush doing it (Vickers, [n.d.], cited, Curry & Jiobu, 1995).
It is important to recognise the signs associated with gambling. These include: preoccupied with gambling – constant thoughts of gambling or getting money to gamble; becomes defensive when confronted with gambling habits and lying about the extent of habits; borrowing money using financial aid money or other needed money to gambling; missing training sessions and other important events because of gambling; Restless or irritable when not gambling; “chasing” losses with more gambling – trying to salvage losses by gambling more; increasing bet amounts when gambling in order to achieve the desired excitement; unsuccessful attempts to control, cut back or stop gambling; arguments with friends, coaches, significant others and family about gambling activity; neglecting responsibilities to engage in gambling activities (Vickers, [n.d.]).
I'm under the belief that addiction will always exist. It's near impossible to stop. Various people can cut it out of their lives but it still exists somewhere in them. It can be an endless cycle of recovery and relapsing. Just like the case of Tanoli, someone might be seeking help but they might still be doing the action behind closed doors.
I suppose educational programs can be used to teach the young of the dangers of various addictions. The problem may lie in people seeing the 'benefits' of it and trying it out. A ban or censorship of some kind can be the way to go if they are caught doing the action and found guilty. A mere suspension won't solve anything anytime soon.
Reference List
Algamus recovery services. (2023). The impact of sports betting on the sports Industry. [online]. Available from: [Accessed: 30 March 2024].
Vickers, E. (no date). Problem gambling among athletes: why are they susceptible? [online]. Availablr from: [Accessed: 30 March 2024].
The Impact of Sports Betting on the Sports IndustryThe Impact of Sports Betting on the Sports Industry