Blue Cards in Football

New innovation sparks outrage

If I may I start this post with WTF?! This doesn't make sense to me. This card is set to be used as a sin bin one. A player who shows dissent towards a referee will send the player off for 10 minutes. What is the point of this? This is has been trialled at lower and amateur levels. The International Football Association Board (IFAB) want to trial this at higher levels from next season.

I'm sorry but this is football, not rugby. I don't get the point of this. If this gets implemented, what will the point of having yellow? I can only guess that it will make it redundant. The blue cards will soon be the dominant card and the two already existing ones will soon go the way of the dodo.

I am not alone in this disapproval. Everyone seems to be against it. A former player has claimed that it will make the game boring while a few managers have showed their uninterest in it. Fans have also had their say on the matter. One has said that it will ruin the beautiful game. Another has stated that the game will be finished if this becomes official.

IFAB have taken notice of this and are said to be wary of publishing the rules for it. I'm not all too surprised by this. Fans are essentially the lifeblood of the industry. If this were to dry up, it will go bankrupt and the club/teams will soon cease to exist due to financial instability.

Sure, there might be some people out there who like the idea but much like everything in the world, the majority rules the roost and there's no mistake about it. At the end of the day, fans and people might give the new concept a chance but will probably be turned off by it. When this happens, they will either leave the stadium early or turn off the television.

To me, there's another point to be made regarding this travesty of an idea. Different sports shouldn't interfere with each other in terms of rules. General concepts such as video reviews and hearing officials speaking to 'higher ups' are fine but copy and pasting their rules is both absurd and idiotic.

Unless it's absolutely necessary, officials should leave things the way they are. Nearly everyone aren't open to change in rules. When this happens, chaos and protests can occur. These will only stop when the prospective rule change doesn't happen. A classic example of this was The Super League.

What all this leads to is that the fans are the heart and soul of every sport in existence. If you introduce something they don't like, it will action to get rid of it. If it doesn't, it will stop beating and the industry will die as a result. Leave things the way they are. Status quo is golden.